Chesterfield-Marlboro Head Start Program will provide transportation to Head Start enrollees to and from the Head Start Center within the service area.
The following rules and procedures must be followed to ensure the proper provision of transportation to enrollees:
- Buses will begin their routes at 7 A.M., all children must be dressed and ready by 7 A.M. Buses will drop children off between 2:10 and 3:30 P.M. If the child/children miss the bus it is the parents' responsibility to get the child/children to school by 8:30 A.M. Parents are reminded that someone must be at home to receive the child. If there is no one at home a conference will be held with the parent before the child returns to school.
- Children will not be transferred from one bus to another bus. All are fitted with child safety restraints that are size appropriate for the individual child. If there is a change in pick up, a written notice must be given to the bus driver one day (1) in advance. In cases of emergency, Head Start will work with the family on their individual need.
- If a child has to cross the street to get on or off the bus, he/she must be accompanied by a parent and/or adult. The child must cross in front of the bus. It is the responsibility of the parents to walk their child/children across the street not the bus driver or the bus monitor. Parents are responsible for seeing that their children get on and off all Head Start buses in the morning and afternoon.
- It is the responsibility of the parents to teach their child/children about the safety rules on the bus and about the importance of listening to the driver and the monitor.
- Parents are not to argue with the driver. If parents have a complaint, they must notify the transportation coordinator at 320-9760 ext. 2134.
- Only Head Start children and volunteers will ride the bus to and from the center
- Toys should no be sent with children
Parents should notify the Center Manager/Head Teacher/ Center Staff/Family Service Coordinator when a child will not be attending class
- The emergency procedures given by the health component must be followed.
- For safety and storage reasons, children will not be allowed to carry book bags on the bus.
- When a child rides the bus and no one is at home to receive him/her, the child will be returned to the Head Start center. Two staff members will remain with the child until he/she is picked up or until 3:30 P.M. at 3:30, a designated staff person will notify the Department of Social Services (DSS) to make a report.
- If a child is returned to school more than two (2) times, a failure to pick up form must be completed and a mandatory conference will be held prior to the child returning to school
- Parents are reminded that a responsible adult that have been authorized to receive the child/ children must be visible to the driver. Children will not be sent into open doors.
- Parents shall notify the bus driver or center director/lead teacher if their child/children are to be picked up after three (3) consecutive absences
- Parents will be responsible for getting their child/children to the designated bus stops. Parents will be notified by the bus driver of the designated place for their child/children to be picked up and dropped off.